Here, you can create Transaction Action Plan templates that can be imported into your transactions.
Go to Transactions > Action Plans.
Click on the top Actions button and select Add New Action Plan.
A window will now appear, prompting you to enter a Name and Description.
- As a Manager, you can create Action Plans for the entire brokerage, a specific office, or your personal use.
- As an Agent, you can only create Action Plans within your own account.
- Name the Action Plan
- Enter a Description
- Select which Transaction Statuses this Action Plan will apply. If left blank, it can be applied to any status.
Click the Save button when you are finished.
You will next click on the Actions tab next to the General tab. In the Actions window, you can click the green Add button.
Here, you will build an Action Plan step.
Description: Enter notes, suggestions, or a description of the step
Action: Choose the action for this step. The options are:
- Create a Task
- Send an Email: Send Email Action
- Select Send Email as the action.
- Choose an Email Template.
- Specify the Recipients (all contacts, a single vendor, etc.).
- Select Send From to define the sender.
- Determine When the email should be sent.
- If triggered by a Transaction Status Change, select the relevant status.
- Send an SMS: Send SMS Action
- To enable SMS, activate your SMS Number. (Click here for SMS setup instructions)
- In the Message area, use the Insert button to add contact names dynamically.
- Compose the SMS message.
- Choose Recipients from available options.
- Select Send From to determine the sender.
- Click the blue Save button when finished.
Task to Perform
- When selecting Create Task, you will be asked to choose the task type.
- Task options can be customized in User Fields. (Click here to learn more about User Fields)
- Regarding: You will be asked who the task is regarding. Options include:
- All Contacts – Contacts associated with the transaction.
- All Vendors – Vendors involved in the transaction.
- All Agents – Agents participating in the transaction.
- All Contacts, Vendors, and Agents – Includes all associated contacts.
- All Contacts of Type – Select Buyers, Sellers, Landlords, or Tenants.
- All Contacts of Represented Type – Based on the transaction type (e.g., Buyer’s or Seller’s contacts).
- All Vendors of Type – Choose specific vendor types (e.g., Escrow Agent, Title Company).
- A Single Contact – Select a single contact in the transaction.
- First Contact of Represented Type – The first participant in the transaction (e.g., Buyer 1 or Seller 1).
- A Single Vendor – Select a specific vendor.
- Transaction Owner – The person in charge of the transaction.
- Account with a Specific Role – Choose brokerage, office, or other roles.
- A Specific Account – Assign to a specific person.
Assign to: Assigning the Task. Options include:
All Agents
Transaction Owner
An Account with a specific role
A specific Account
When: Setting the Task Timeline: Choose when the task should occur:
- Added to Transaction – A set number of days after the Action Plan is added.
- Specific Date – Schedule based on a transaction date (e.g., 15 days after Closing Date).Another Action is Completed – The task begins once a previous action is completed.Transaction Status Changes – Triggers the action based on a transaction status change.
Click Save when this step is complete.