You can separate the pages of a multipage document in your transaction. This feature can be useful if you need to separate a multipage document. For example, if you received a PDF containing a contract and all of the addendums, but would like to have each in their own document.

To do this, click the “Operations” menu next to the document you want to use, then click “Page Sorting”.

Upon selecting this option you will be taken to a page where you can choose which pages of the document you would like to keep. From here you can create a New Name for this new copy of the form. To change the order of the pages, simply left click on the page you want to move, and move it to your desired spot. This is helpful for example if you receive a contract has multiple addendums attached and only need one or a few of them.

You can also remove pages from the document by selecting the page(s) you want to keep or delete by clicking the checkbox at the top right and choose the Keep Selected or Remove Selected option to keep or remove the selected pages. If you mess up, you can reset the pages by clicking the Reset Pages option. Click save when you are done.

To get back to the original group of documents, go to the Archived Documents, find the document you are looking for. Click Operations and then click copy to access the document. This will allow you to keep separating the documents as you need them.

When you click copy, a popup appears and give you two options, amend or copy. Amending a document allows you to fix an error once a document has been signed, where as, copy put its back to its original state. To separate documents that are non signed, choose copy.

When you have copied or amended your document, it will be named as "Copy file name".

If you need to continue the process, you will repeat the process above. Start with clicking Operations and then Page Sorting.