From your dashboard, click on “Intranet” and then “Agent Roster” on the left side of the screen.

In “Agent Roster” you’ll notice two types of searches at the top of the screen, “Search” and “Advanced.” 

To do a simple search, stay in the “Search” tab and type what you are searching for in the search box. Click the “Search” button on the right when you’re done.

Your matching results will be displayed below the search box.  Depending on how many results you have, you can also choose how many results you want to display per page.

You can also click the CSV button on the right side to export the entire table to a CSV.

If you would like to get more specific with your search, click on the “Advanced” tab at the top of the page.

Advanced search will allow you to specify offices or accounts you want to search for. Click search at the bottom after you specify these and the results will show below.