You can create Teams inside of TotalBrokerage. This feature allows Teams to be seen in the CRM Contact card and within a transaction.
Follow the steps below to learn how to create a team!
Under Setup, click on Teams.
Inside Teams, you can view the current teams and add a new one.
To add a new team, click Actions at the top right and select Add a Team.
General: When Add a Team is selected, a name must be created for the team.
You can also select the following options:
- Give Team Lead Access to Team Members' Contacts
- Give Team Members access to each other's contacts
- Share Calendar Events between Team Members for Contacts. (This requires "Give Team Members access to each other's contacts" to be enabled.)
- Give Team Lead Access to Team Members Vendors
- Give Team Members access to each other's Vendors
- Give Team Lead Access to Team Members Transactions
- When creating a transaction from the search page, automatically add this team to the transaction
- Give Team Lead Transaction Coordinator Permission to Team Members Transactions. (This requires "Give Team Lead Access to Team Members Transactions" to be enabled.)
- Automatically add Team Lead as an additional agent to Team Members Transactions
- Automatically give the Team Lead a 100% transaction split on creation of a Transaction. (This requires "Automatically add team lead as an additional agent to Team Members transactions" to be enabled).
- Give Team Members access to each other's transactions
- Share Calendar Events between Team Members for Transactions. (This requires "Give Team Members access to each other's transactions" to be enabled.)
- Give Team Lead access to team reporting
- Give Team Members access to team reporting
Members: This is where you can add or remove team members. Click the plus button to add a team member.
You may also designate the following roles to a member if applicable.
- Team Lead
- Transaction Coordinator: Team Transaction Coordinators can edit all transaction tabs and team member commissions but cannot approve or reject checklist items.
- Transaction Administrator: Team Transaction Admins can edit all transaction tabs and team member commissions but cannot approve or reject checklist items. They also cannot access restricted statuses or notes.
To remove a team member, click the minus button to remove the agent.
Click the blue Save button in the bottom right when finished.
Commission Plan: Here, you can Add a new plan or Import a plan that has already been created.
This plan will apply to ALL members of the Team.
Activity: Here, you can create notes about the team, which will only be visible to managers.