Go to Transactions > Forms Library

From Actions in the upper right corner, select + Add New Form.

Read and Check the Disclaimer.

Select the Owner of the Form.

Browse for files.

Form Groups

When Forms are uploaded into TotalBrokerage, you can assign a Form Group (or multiple). 

A Form Group is used to categorize and organize your forms. It is important that the first step you do is to make a list of Form Group labels. 

A very generic example of a list would be; Buyer, Seller, Landlord, and Tenant

If you want to be more detailed in your list, then we suggest going through your current library of forms (and/or form packages) that you currently use, and creating labels for all of the potential Form Group(s) you could use. 

In certain contexts, (such as a lead-based paint disclosure form), you may have a group that only has one form.


How to create different Form Groups


There are two questions to consider, answer, and record when you label each form: 


1)    "What context do I use this form?"  (This question will help create/decide a Form Group). 


2)     "Why would I use this form?" and/or "What question would I need to ask myself which would cause me to choose this form?" (This question will help you create/decide Wizard Questions as well as develop more specific Form Group labels) 


Once you have all your Form Group labels decided, you can create Wizard Questions.


Wizard Questions

How to create Wizard Questions


1)    Make a list of the questions you recorded and decide what order you would ask these questions. Choosing the order now is not required, but it can help in the process. (Note: The order of questions in TotalBrokerage can be changed once entered)


2)    Once you add a question, create the different answers that it could have.


3)    From the answers you chose to each question, assign the Form Group.  


Once you have followed the above steps, uploading the forms, organizing them by Form Group, and setting up your Wizard Questions, your TotalBrokerage Wizard will be ready for use.