In order to create new answers for a wizard question, click on “Setup” and then “Transactions” from anywhere in TotalBrokerage.

Go to the tab that says "Wizards Questions".

Click on the question set, then click the white “Edit” button next to the particular question. 

To add a new answer (if there are no answers yet, one answer will automatically populate for you to complete), scroll down and click on the green “+Add Answer”. 

Upon doing so, you can then edit the answer in the Answer column and select the appropriate Form Group that will populate with the particular answer.  (Keep in mind that when you select a Form Group for an answer, it will correlate to Form Groups that were created in the Forms Library. These groups are a way to categorize and separate your forms for specific situations. These groups can only be created in the Forms Library.)

You can view the forms in the forms in the selected Form Group by clicking on the green icon after you have selected a form group.

If you want to undo the changes you made to an existing answer (before you hit the blue Save button), you can select the grey "Discard Changes" button.


To delete an answer, simply click on the red “x”. 

To reorder the answers, you can use the up and down arrows to move the answer accordingly. 

To save your work, you MUST click the grey "Confirm Changes" and then also select the blue "Save" button.