
The first tab will be the “General” tab.

Brokerage Name: You can enter the name of the brokerage here.

Language:  This will be the default language for the agent in your brokerage.

Timezone: This will be the default timezone for agents in your brokerage.

You can select the following options:

Lock Emails for Agents: Agents cannot change their email in their profile.

Lock Name for Agents: This means that agents cannot change their names in their profiles.

Lock Phone for Agents: This means that agents cannot change their mobile number in their profile.

Disable Contact Export: Only brokerage managers will be allowed to export the contacts and contact addresses from the CRM if selected.

Disable Vendor Export: Only brokerage managers will be allowed to export the vendors from the CRM if selected.

Require Name and either an Email or Phone for Contacts: Make it a requirement that every contact that gets created in TotalBrokerage has a name and a point of contact (either email or phone).

Managers can't access agents' contacts (Enterprise): Make it that managers cannot see agents contact in the CRM. They will be able to view contacts after it has been added to a transaction from that transaction.

Disable CRM by default for each agent: No agents will be able to access the CRM unless overridden in their account setup

Disable Bulk Email (Enterprise): Make it that all agents cannot use the bulk email feature in the CRM. This can be overridden for each account under the account setup.

Disable Bulk SMS (Enterprise): Make it that all agents cannot use the bulk SMS feature in the CRM. This can be overridden for each account under the account setup.

Disable Bulk Adding to Automation and Action Plans (Enterprise): Make it that all agents cannot use the bulk email feature in the CRM. This can be overridden for each account under the account setup.

Disable Bonus Commissions: Make the bonus commission tab no longer appear in transactions and the information from older transaction bonus commissions will no longer appear in reports, widgets, transaction summaries and quickbooks syncs.

Disable Earnest Money: Make the earnest money tab no long appear in transactions and reporting. This will also remove the section from the transaction summary pdf.

Disable Power Dialing: This removes the power dialing option from the CRM.

Hide Transaction Splits from Participating Agents: In the transactions base and bonus commission tabs, hide the amount of the transaction gross commission going to each agent from agents who can not edit the transaction splits.

Disable Duplicate Checks for Contacts: Remove the duplicate check from CRM Contacts.

Disable Duplicate Checks for Vendors: Remove the duplicate check from the CRM Vendors.

When editing this information, make sure to click the blue “Save” button to save your changes.