An Automation is a marketing campaign (a.k.a. drip campaign) that you send to your contacts. 

To create a new automation, click “Marketing”, and then “Automations” on the sidebar menu.

In Automations, click “Actions” and then “+Add New Automation” at the top-right corner of the screen.

Choose a title, who can access the Automation, and which groups are relevant to this Automation. 

Groups are used to categorize your Automations.

Select if you want the automation to stop if the contact sends an email or a text.

Click Save when you are done.

After clicking Save, you can add steps to this Automation.  

To add a step to the Automation, click where it says “No steps found. Click to add a new step.”

Fill out the name, status, delay, and time you want to run this step in the Automation.

For delay, there are three choices:

- Run the automation on the same day it is added to the contact.

- Run a specific amount of time after the automation is added to the contact. A dropdown will appear, prompting you to select the time after the automation is added to the contact. 

Note that this is based on the start of the automation, not the previous step.

- Run on a specific date. A date widget will appear, prompting you to select the date the automation will run.

Automations can communicate with contacts via email or SMS. 

Change the Type of Action to Send Email if you want to send an email.

Scroll down to the “Email to Send” section and type your email.  

You can also choose to import a template if you’d like.

Change the Type of Action to Send SMS if you want to send an SMS. 

You will be able to compose a message to send to the contact. 

In the editor, you can select details to automatically be replaced when the SMS is sent.

 Remember to click “Save” when you are finished.