From your dashboard, click on “CRM” and then “View Vendors” on the left side of the screen.

Click on the Company you wish to edit from your Vendors list.  You can also click “View” on the right hand side of the contact to edit the vendor.  

Once you click to edit the vendor, their information page will show up.  You can edit all the information for this vendor here and any information you type in will automatically be saved.  

You can even add an address (or as many addresses as you want) for this vendor.  Just click the address tab next to “General” at the top. Please note that this tab also will automatically save changes.

There is even a spot for you to input any details about your vendors. The details are configured at either a brokerage or office level.

The file tab, allows the brokerage to have files kept with their vendors. The files are configured at either a brokerage or office level. Agents are able to upload files to brokerage & office level vendors, as well as, their own vendors. 
To upload a file, you need to click the Actions button in the top right and select Upload File.

The last tab is the SMS tab. This tab allows agents to send and receive SMS messages. The SMS feature is only available to the Plus & Enterprise Plans.